Think you can walk on water?
Drowned Galway is a multi-media series of works comprising large-format photomontages, film, textile designs, sculpture, music & performance, visualising life in a near-future inundated city. Find yourself immersed in a near future Galway, where the abnormal has become normal, and floods and sea level rising have transformed the city. How close does the future have to come before we care enough to act?
“The eyes of all future generations are upon you. If you choose to fail us, I say we will never forgive you.”
Greta Thunberg, UN address, 2019
Faoi stiúir ag | directed by
Ríonach Ní Néill
Fotomontáis | Photomontages
Joe Lee
Dearaí le | Designs by
Emily Ní Bhroin, Arran Murphy, Deirdre Kennedy, Ríonach Ní Néill, Jeni Roddy, Sohail Salem
Taibhiú le | Performance by
Róisín Tyrell, Una Valaine, Aoife Delaney-Reade
Rannpháirtithe | Participants
The Blackrock Babes, Gliondar Athenry Community Arts Group, Brendan Smith
Grianghraif bhreise | Additional photography
Liadh Connolly
Míreanna fuaime |
Nessa Cronin, Alistair McKinstry, Dara Scott, Brendan Smith, Jenny Hanafin
Buíochas le | thanks to
Galway Atlantaquaria, Burgerstory, Neil & Bríd Armstrong, Eileen Kenny & Tom McDonogh, Alistair McKinstry, Chris Mulligan, Clódóirí CL Print, Horizon Digital Print, Galway City Council